The girls popped open their Chu-hi's (like a cooler, in a can) as soon as we stepped onto our little one-car train; I waited a while... still in recovery from the night previous. The weather was wonderful: crisp and clear. We got close to

We first went to our hotel which was in Shingawa, a smaller ward in Tokyo. It was relatively easy to find and only a five-minute walk from Kamata Station. The hotel was quite impressive for 3-star, business class. Our room featured three super-single sized beds... uh, BEDS! Hello!?!?! First bed experience in 9 months, I was pretty freakin' excited about that! The hotel was the closest one I could find online to Shibuya for less than $400, and was still $210.

After wandering Shingawa a while, eating some SUBWAY, and prettying ourselves up, the ladies and I proceeded on to Shibuya for a night of dancing. Dancing, yeah! Shibuya was quite impressive: highrises, millions of people... Good shopping there. Shibuya train station is the largest in the world; over 2 million people pass through it daily.
Understand that I painstakingly planned this trip down to the transfer times for trains and everything... well, the one thing I forgot was the address/phone number to the club we wanted to go to. I assumed that this club was going to be like the one we visited in Roppongi; basically

Not only was the club a great deal smaller, but it was neither touted nor immediately visible

The club was a lot smaller than we assumed it would be, but we were determined to make the most of it. Cover

Pretty much immediately after entering the bar we were approached by a group of ENORMOUS men. Turned out they are all on a professional Rugby team here in Japan; from Fiji and New Zealand mostly; built like trucks. The music played was great (all hip-hop) and the ballers could

Cab back to our hotel cost around $60 (trains stop running just after midnight in Tokyo). Got a couple hours sleep before having to get up in time for check out (10am; we asked about late-check out and were told 1.5 hours more would cost over $60. Uh, no thanks!). Predictably, that extra half hour of sleep was more precious than the free breakfast buffet included with our reservation.
We dragged our still-drunk asses back to the station and climbed aboard

At a great four-floor shop called the Oriental Bazaar I dropped nearly $200 on Christmas presents! Miraculously I spent only $15 on purchases for myself this time (bought 2 scarfs). We visited a perfumery where we found a hilarious line of perfumes/room fresheners with scents such as "Lettuce," "Dirt," "Laundry Room," and "Funeral Home."

After nearly falling asleep on the trains home, we walked in our doors sore and sleepy around 5:30 last night. I managed to stay awake until 7pm, then slept straight through until 8:15 this morning! Spent Monday feeling rather like I'd been hit by a bus. Talk about it.
Props to Jody-chan for finally having posted her account of our exploits before me! Check it out at: http://jodydwhite.blogspot.com/
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