Monday, November 28, 2005
Goodbye Neil
My co-worker, Neil, is leaving Japan (for good) tomorrow. **sniff, sniff** Neil lived in Iwama for just over a year and is being replaced by Krista. Neil plans to visit family in Scotland for a couple weeks before returning to Newfoundland for Christmas. Bon Voyage!
All the teachers from my company and a wack friends got together on Saturday for a traditional Japanese send-off. What does this tradition entail?? uh, booze.We started at a great izakaya in Katsuta,
then progressed to The Drunken Duck in Mito, and finally to a Mito club called Bubbles (yeah... don't so much remember that part of the evening; likely because I was hugging the toilet the whole time. Damn tequila shot!).It turned out to be an all-nighter (only stumbling into Amy's apartment in Naka
around 8am) with intermittent hikes through the city (i.e. TONS of walking).As most of you know, I am acquainted with the so-called "Land of Falling Down" and wore my trustiest shoes for this occassion. I'll just say: ouch! my ankle!
Neil: Gambatte on your future endeavours, especially your LSAT. I know you will be successful in whatever you do. I am lucky to have met you.
Oh! Yes, the date on Friday went swimmingly. You want details?? You must EMAIL me. :)
Tressa has always made heer family proud whenever she shows her face in drunken bar pictures, can you say hi to her for me since i'm on the road alot, thank you and could you tell her "i'm Rick James B!tch"
Tressa'a little brother