Nippon November
Although it is definitely cooling off, especially at night, I cannot get over how beautiful autumn is here in Japan. Sun is shining; flowers are blooming; crops arel growing. Feeling snap-shotty today... here's the result: my neighbourhood in fall.
Kaki is Yucky. Persimmons, like these, are everywhere this time of year, including school lunches. My first experience taught me that this fruit is rather bland of texture and taste. Certainly not a favourite.
Manderine oranges are not grown only in China! Though orange season was a couple weeks ago, many can still be found hanging around. Mmmmm.
Leaves turn red here too. Ideal for photographs next to bonsai.

Just some autumn daisies...

Found this tree beside a graveyard; the roof is a shrine (Buddhist).
hey hambone
i finally got in gear and logged in to comment. I am usually way too lazy for that noise. Anyway, I will be in contact, I promise. I have been busier than a whore with twin beds-now that is busy.
Peace n Hair grease,