crystal's capers

one girl's international adventures

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Halloween Shots

I'm having difficulty getting Blogger to post more than 5 pictures per entry, and since 5 simply is not enough for an affair like this one, I am forced to post more separately...
Catfight! Tress & Yuka cheek-to-cheek.

Chris & Jody. Jody was nearly unrecognizable as a brunette. Jody proved that brunettes can have fun too; apparently wigs bring out her wild side!

Chris, me and Budder (sp? his last name). I do like my menfolk... although, I must say, I was very well behaved.

Clockwise: Daichi, Hideki, Yuka, Hidenori, Mie. The Nihon-jin do like their cigarettes and beer. Cigarettes and beer... isn't that a song?

Me and my Travypants. Trav went as a cheeky monkey and I, incase you didn't know, went as a black widow; (murderous wife) although I was commonly mistaken for a flapper. Eh, they were cute too, so whatev.

There are so many more pictures (over 200 between Jody and myself) but I am too tired, too ill and too frustrated to keep re-blogging this event. Sorry.


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