Halloween Blitzed
First, a note on some comments I've been
I AM NOT A DRUNK! gawd! I like to keep you all updated, especially about what I think is interesting... if that happens to be the times when my friends and I get together, and some of us happen to be drinking it cannot be helped. I try to intersperse tidbits about daily life and teaching, but at the end of the day most weekday events are just not that noteworthy. Futhermore, I don't take gazillions of pictures of day-to-day crap, and I like my blogs to be spiced up with pics. If you would like me to write blurbs regarding the cleaning of my toilet and the shaving of my legs, I will: just say the word.

In other news, Jody hosted a fantastic halloween bash this weekend. It was the first time I've been to her HOUSE (yes, an actual house; brand new to boot) and I have to admit I am extremely jealous! It is BIG, clean and a HOUSE. Actually, Jody lives about 5 minutes from the school I teach at on Tuesdays and Wednesdays... in the middle of nowhere!
Approximately 20 people attended the party; half my friends, half Jody's, (many of whom we share) half gaijin, half Japanese. Everyone was is costume!! The party started fairly early (8ish) and as such, ended fairly early as well... with help from 4 litres of Sho-Chu. Tressa and I crashed at Jody's.
Mie, Hidenori, Yuka and Hideki were all in attendance, and as predicted, the party officially

I invited my private student, Yoshiko, who drove up from Tsukuba (1 hour away) with two friends. Yoshiko came as a nun (hilarious!) and her friends, Mari and Yasuko came as cats. All three of them could speak English quite well; smart girls, all masters students at the University of Tsukuba. I think they all had a really good time.

After a night of dancing and spin-the-bottle-playing (yes, even I wondered if we had warped back into the sixth grade!) the partiers thinned out and makeshifts beds were sought. Jody, Tressa and I spent the majority of Sunday dozing and gossiping on Jody's queen-sized Aerobed. Let me tell you, that Sho-Chu packed a wallop!
More pictures to follow...
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