Roughing it in the bush
...well, apparently "roughing it" these days is having someone else cook for you all weekend while you make yourself cozy in a quaint little cabin... Welcome to my montage of our Hallowe'en Cabin Weekend at an Onsen (naked hotspring) resort about 25kms from Nikko, in the beautiful Japanese mountains (Oct. 8-10th).
Maxin' and relaxin' in the BBQ pit infront of our cabins, of which we had three. Note, we were bundled because it pissed rain the whole weekend
Most of the gang (JETs from Tochigi Prefecture)
Here fishy, fishy, fishy. Another guest at the resort gave us these fresh river trout. Someone else gave us a bag of tomatoes; it's not a cruel, but a kind race.
Phil (Johnny Depp, Lost & Loathing style) and Patricia (feline) at the costume party
Tressa and Jody dressed as kitty and beatnik, respectively
Me (black widow; obviously had a little to drink) and James (mmmmmm, dreamy...)
Marco as someone-or-other from something-or-other... you figure it out. He kept rubbing his enormous belly on everyone's heads all night!
Let's see, Tress is a pussy... insert own deductions as to why this picture was taken (and not by me, I might add)
Dancing the night away (Christine, James (uh, did I mention that he is dreamy?) & Ester)
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