Sunday, September 25, 2005
Just Another Eighties Lady
...the 80's ROCK!! 
Nearly 20 people were in attendance for a night of drunken debauchery on Friday. As three-quarters of the guests were Japanese and as such had little knowledge of what constituted 80's-wear, the costumes were varied... but at least everyone dressed up!
The prize for Best Costume was awared to Jody, who looked like a cross between Blondie and Hedwig. She descried her own costume by saying, "F#*^, it looks like I was smacked in the face by a rainbow!" Indeed it did. Bravest Costume was split between Brad and Trav, true rockers at heart. Winners received boxed bottles of Sake.

My best anicdote from the evening is this: as you may have noted, I was rather Flashdancesque in costume; for the early part of
the evening I had considerable trouble keeping my shirt on! Ha! -nothing new there! So there I am, chatting with Tressa in my living room, handing her my glass as it is her turn to refill our drinks, when we both look down to find my shirt has vacated the brassiere region. Our mouths drop, and so do our drinks. Tressa, in a vein attempt to salvage my dignity, hurls our glasses into the air so that she has free hands to return my shirt into its appropriate position. Thankfully the glasses were empty and they fell onto tatami so it wasn't a major disaster. We
had a terrific laugh, nonetheless and, needless to say, promptly fastened my shirt to my bra
with safety pins.
The party was made official by the appearance of the KOBAN (Japanese police) who were called by neighbours before 10:30pm. I was more than a little disgruntled about complainers at such an early hour, but had to remind myself that this is, in fact, Japan. In any case, the Koban were congenial and simply asked us to try to keep our windows and doors shut; we turned down the music and behaved ourselves after that... at least until they were out of sight.
Tressa and I downloaded four CDs worth of 80's tunes to add to my already considerable collection. Let me tell you, this spelled out G-O-O-D-T-I-M-E-S! My boudoire was transformed into a disco where moves were not only a-busted, but airbands were concocted! I haven't danced so much since Canada. 
Three novelty items made their way through the crowd: a blow-up guitar, a cushion/hat, and an afro-wig. Hilarious.
Guestlist: Tressa, Trav, Daichi, Michiko, Yoshihiro, Fumiyuki, Amy, Brad, Mie, Hidenori, Yuka, Hideki, Jody, Nori, Yoko, Cowlu, & Me (aka Diana Ross).Saturday consisted of sifting through the debris, general laziness, and shit-shooting with overnight guests. Later,
Tressa and I ventured to Utsunomiya for Subway (first sub experience since Canada: good, but not the same as home) and a quick drink at the gaijin pub, The Lion's Head. We spend much of our little road trip wondering where were headed and where we had come from (insert, LOST)... story of my life.
the eighties look suits you!
rock on!