A Galore of Dinner Parties
The past week has been filled with many-a-dinner party. Geez, I'm getting old! Sunday night I had Tressa and Brad over for miso soup and tofu stirfry; Monday Tressa came over for good ole funny spagetti before we met up with Trav and Daichi for our weekly Japanese lesson; Tuesday Tressa had Trav and Daichi and I for dinner... Daichi and Tressa prepared spagetti and meatballs with all the fixins...
Wednesday I met up with Nori in Oyama and we went to see Bewitched. Now, movies get here 5-6 months after North American release, and only the blockbusters make it to the theatre at all, so this was a treat. This is my second theatre
By Thursday, however, I was feeling quite ill. After class I decided to go to the doctor. As it turns out, there is an English-speaking doctor just a few blocks from my house. Like Canada, you have to wait a lifetime to see the doctor; unlike Canada, you pay for your appointment and pay for and receive any prescriptions you need right there at the clinic. Thankfully they didn't need any medical insurance information, and it wasn't a scary experience. I turned out to have a bad cold virus, a bit of tonsilitis, and a temperature of 37.2 (normal is 36.8). I was prescribed antibiotics and a cough pill.
Friday I made a breif appearance at a weekly gaijin hangout in Yuki. About 12 minutes from my place is an izakaya (pub) in the city of Yuki (which borders Shimodate) where a slew of gaijin
and their Japanese friends meet up every Friday night. Many of the boys we hang out with play on a basketball team that practises Fridays, so after their game the team heads for drinks... into the wee hours. Last night there were about 20 of us. Apparently it is often such a gongshow that people sleepover at the izakaya - the owner is really cool.
The remainder of this long weekend was supposed to be filled with camping in Tokai; however, that trip was canceled due to my lack of health and everyones' lack of money. We will be meeting up for "Camping in Shimodate" in the park near Trav's house tonight instead. Tomorrow I venture to Tsukuba for my first real lesson with my new student Yoshiko! Everyone is gearing up for the First Annual 80's Costume Party that I am hosting next Friday... if I thought my little apartment was crammed at the last party (dinner with 12-13 people) we will truly test the limits with this guestlist (upwards of 25 people confirmed). Should be a regular zoo. I have my costume in the works and have downloaded about 75 80's classics thus far. Be sure to tune in next week for pics.
1. Daichi, Trav, and Kana (Trav's new flame)
2. Nori - isn't she cute!?!
3. Dan (Nori's bf), Trav, and Mike playing with keitais - a favourite past-time of gaijin in Japan.
4. Yoko and Tressa shooting the shit
5. Tressa and Mike - looks like an interesting conversation...
P.S. think I figured out the picture business. :)
Your blog is looking fab.Thanks for the post card and can't wait to see you during the holidays. Hope you've been checking my blog.