I found this weekend to be full of goodbyes...Thursday I had a little date with a boy I met in Utsunomiya the previous weekend. I know, you're all like: OMG!?!?! Contain yourselves kids - nothing will come of this one. James #2 (since hottie from cabin weekend is James #1, in more ways than one) works for Honda and is frequently sent to Japan for new model design; he

Friday Tressa, Trav, Daichi and I drove up to Iwama (homebase for two teachers with my company) for Brad's official going away party. We went to The Drunken Duck in Katsuta (a town about which I have no details to give, but it's thataway) and met up with about 10-15 of Brad's pals. It was good times; alas, I decided to conk out in the car before everyone else was finished partying (what the hell is wrong with me!?!?!). Brad left Saturday afternoon and is now back in Saskatchewan... **sniff, sniff**
Brad, Krista (Brad's replacement) & Trav at the Duck
Tressa and I picked up some Halloween goodies on Saturday afternoon, and I finally selected a school-appropriate costume: panda (pictures forthwith). Saturday night Tress and I went to Utsunomiya for a drink at the Lion's Head gaijin pub. We ended up running into some friends from the cabin weekend (Barry and
A word on Honda boys... apparently the "bachelors" sent overseas to Japan (from the States, the UK, etc.) have one thing in common: exaggerated and drunken attempts to pick up girls! As we have recently learned, the Lion's Head happens to be their short-term lair whereby any female entering is promptly accosted. On the plus side, these boys must make good money because I hardly bought a single drink for myself all night!
Today I did a whole lotta nothing, but did have Subway for lunch... MmmmMMmmm, SUBWAY...
Tressa & Barry (aka Micheal Barry)
Just wanted to say that I will miss you Brad! Give Angie a huge hug for me and I hope you are excited to be home after a whole year here! Tress