Sunday, November 13, 2005
Happy Birthday Dave!
Friday was pretty much the usual... hair disasters, drinks at the Yuki izakaya with Nori and Dan. Three girls piled in my tiny bedroom, in a mess of blankets and futons (and even a double-
sized air mattress that Jody dragged down the street from Tressa's, pants falling off the whole time... stumbling drunk and laughing so hard she nearly peed her pants) having a good ole fashioned sleepover. Good times.
Saturday we were invited to Dave-from-Ninomiya's birthday
celebration! The best part was that he was having it here in Shimodate!! We met up at an izakaya downtown and were surprised to find that about 15 people were in attendance; more surprised when three fellow campers from the Ashio cabin
weekend walked through the door! Should have expected it really, since they are all JETs, like Dave. We got to meet Dave's Kiwi girlfriend - so excited to see that she wasn't Japanese! - and many others... can't wait to see them all again, they were great fun!
Stayed at the Izakaya for just over
two hours: all-you-can-drink... mmmmmm, then headed to Shidax for kareoke! The 15 of us piled into a way-too-small kareoke room and sang our hearts out; since there was no floor space, everyone just stood on the benches and danced. More all-you-can-drinking,
into the wee hours. God I'm going to miss kareoke! Thanks for the invite Dave!
Dave's crew invited us to join them next weekend at a wine tasting festival in Tochigi prefecture (where most of them live; the prefecture bordering ours, and bordering Shimodate). Soooo excited! Until next time folks...
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