Monday, December 05, 2005
Squeezin' my Grapefruits
...getcha minds outta da gutta peeps. It's not dirrty.Friday I met nine friends (including Tress, Daichi, Sagi-San, Nori, Yoko,
Peter, Mike and Koji) for dinner in Yuki. An Indian restaurant opened there about a month ago and I was DYING to try it. Turned out to be fantastic and I'm likely to take up residence INSIDE the restaurant. Love Indian food!Daichi raved about Koji's minivan; apparently it's supernice. I've learned that swank minivans are not only a socially acceptable vehicle for single young men, but actually a s
tatus symbol as well!! Perhaps the equivalent of an Escalade or Porche in North America?? Weird.Mike took his leave and the rest of us met up with Trav at
SHIDAX for kareoke. Good times. In his first outing with my friends, Koji faired very well. They all had good comments about him (made to me the SECOND Koji left for the bathroom!) and he felt at ease, singing and dancing with everyone... even though he wasn't drinking. I think Koji won the respect of certain friends when he sang Basket Case by Green Day. I was drinking (surprise, surprise) and was overjoyed that Koji gallantly sqeezed my grapefruits for my sho-chus all night. Awwww!Overall, a hellagood Shimodate evening. Thanks all, for coming!
He sqeezed your grapefruits all night? Impressive!!