My Old Boyfriend

Mr & Mrs Smith was predictable, and, some spectators thought, a little too action-packed, but who can resist that eye-candy?? Throw in Vince Vaughn and all his dreamboatiness and I'm sold; that guy cracks me up, he's a kick in the pants, yo.
Obviously I am a little late to the parade, I know. Being out of North America is being out of the

In any case, without rambling like I tend to, the screenplay was humourous & captivating, the acting believable, the hot-quotient substantial: definitely recommended. I give it four out of five stars and suggest paying full price at the theatre or rental shop; consider buying at discount.
I thought the movie was pretty funny when I saw it, then Matt watched it last night and he thought it was funny too. He kept saying...'that is exactly what you would do....'
I guess it is old married people humor