Goodbye Trav
Having finished his one-year contract, and needing to return to university, Travis Dewan is departing for Australia. For good.
Trav was one of the first people I met when I came to Japan and he played an enormous role in making the last seven months here both bareable and enjoyable. I can honestly say that I don't think
Trav is an old sole, a warm spirit, a thoughtful friend. Everyone he meets is made better by him. I love him like he is my little brother and my only wish is that we will meet again. A great excuse to go to
Thank you Travipants, for all that you have given me, literally and more importantly, emotionally. I will never forget our times together. Best of luck in your future; I know you will be a shining success in whatever path you choose. All my love.
Bon Voyage.
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