crystal's capers

one girl's international adventures

Monday, December 08, 2008


I've always been a good speller. I don't think I've ever achieved less than 100% on a spelling quiz; I see a word, I know it.

Suddenly though, I realized my spelling has deteriorated. So weird. I honestly can't say what the problem is, but I theorize that it could be the result of number of issues:
  1. Perhaps I'm over-doing it with the multi-tasking, thus something as simple as spelling is falling victim to oversight because my attentions are elsewhere.
  2. In psychological (memory) terms, perhaps it's a case of displacement whereby new information (like all the grammar rules I'm force-feeding myself by the gallon) is pushing out the old... of course, this should only apply to short term memory.
  3. It could be that I've become disoriented by British English. The spellings are all wrong here. It's like a mix between Canadian English and American English, with some new conundrums of its own thrown in for good measure. I hadn't thought the new rules were particularly difficult, but I do believe that the changeover has resulted in some of the old rules slipping away, even when completely unrelated.
  4. Partially, I think I'm beginning to adopt the British accent in my thinking (not in my speech, thank god - and no one better say otherwise!) which has resulted in my spellings reflecting the multitude of syllables that Brits leave out of speech.
  5. Laziness?

So to recap, it's veteran, not vetran; embarrassed, not embarassed and practice, not practise. Geez louise, I'm supposed to be an English teacher?


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