crystal's capers

one girl's international adventures

Thursday, November 09, 2006

An Update

For all those who are far past PO'ed at my lack of blogging, I'll apologize. Unfortunately you'll get no news from me at this time - though I have plenty of bloggy-type things floating around in my head. Riccardo is gone back to Germany. I'm depressed, but moreover, I'm friggin sick, yo. REALLY sick. I've got bronchitis, among other lovelies. Good times. So basically, my apartment is a DISASTER and other than for work, I haven't left my couch in 4 days. My fingers get crampy after about 6 minutes of typing, and I have no patience for my screwy computer. I can't call in sick for work because I was already sick 3 days this month - same illness. So there.

Apologies, also, to those who've taken the time to email but haven't received replies. I'm working on about a one-mail-per-day policy right now, because reading makes me sleepy.


P.S. Riccardo & Mom: don't worry, I'm taking lots of echinacea, and vitamin C and living off of tea. I'll kick this bitch, I swear it.


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