On becoming a Wino...
Most of you know how hilarious my younger sister Rebecca is, but here's the latest installment. This is here latest email to me, in it's entirety.So you know what doesn't make sense...
my logic for buying wine!
For me, the most important quality in wine is PRICE. Closely followed by a calculation of ALCOHOL CONTENT (ie. which one calculates to getting me drunk for cheaper). The next thing I would have to say is a toss up between FUNKY LABEL and FREE GIFT. I do like a cool looking bottle of wine, yet, everyone likes Free Stuff. Today I found myself putting down my $5.99 special in favour of an $11.99 bottle which came with a small spongy penguin toy. I mean, seriously! 1. The toy was ugly, 2. Useless, and 3. I was actually willing to pay $6 for this thing just because it was "FREE"!!!
Where have my standards gone!?!
What ever happened to the importance of PRICE!?!
Oh, I'm getting so frivolous now that I have more money to spend.
PS - In the end, I smartened up (with the help of Michael) and went for the 4L Box instead...
4L box hey, well I'm not sure on the quality on that, but good for you. lol and if I remeber right being a Wino isnt exactly a new thing . ttyl Kim