Time Warp: It occurred last night in the local cinema
We went to the movies!Unexpecting newbie!
The scene was frightning!
Worse than lightning!
Everybody was singing!
The comments were stinging!
Let's do the time warp again!
There was toilet-papering!
And water-fight-drenching!
People confetti- and rice-ing!
But the toast was surprising!
We had to wear our rain-coats!
Just to stay a-float!
Let's do the time warp again!
It's just a jump to the left!
And then a step to the ri-i-i-i-i-ight!
Put your hands on your hips,
And pull your knees in tight!
Then do the pelvic-thrust,
That'll drive really 'em insa-a-a-a-a-ane!
Let's do the time warp again!
I feel somekind of .... uneasy ... about this blog entry...