crystal's capers

one girl's international adventures

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Respect Ranking

My recent bitching has uncovered an interesting ranking of respect in Japan. I was peeved today when I walked into ANOTHER Parent's Day without notice; apparently the school's don't feel that we should be privy to information like this IN ADVANCE. The following list was provided to me, sources will not be disclosed, Riccardo, I promise!

Ranking of Respect In Japanese Society
  1. Japanese men
  2. Rice
  3. Sake
  4. Beer (not gaijin beer)
  5. Sushi
  6. Cars
  7. Railway Crossings
  8. Dogs
  9. Neighbours' dogs
  10. Dog on the street
  11. Stray dogs
  12. Traffic lights
  13. Air conditioning machines
  14. Cats
  15. Neighbours' cats
  16. Stray cats
  17. Condoms
  18. Mickey Mouse
  19. The number 17
  20. Gaijin men (only if not Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese or Black)
  21. Cockroaches
  22. Japanese women
  23. Gaijin Women (only if not Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese or Black and if they look like gaijin men, e.g. because of a beard, mustache or "male parts")
  24. Dirt
  25. All other gaijin women

I round out this list by adding "English Teachers" at place #26.


    • At 5:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

      Cant least we are in the top 30 and only 8 places away from Mickey Mouse!

    • At 8:00 AM, Blogger Fluffica said…

      lighten up hammy...railway crossings are pretty fun let's face it, and i never met a cockroach i didn't like. i have no problems with the number 17 and dirt is mother earth's gift to us. i think you are being pretty selfish. next you are going to think you deserve "the right to vote" or "to go out in public." tsk tsk.
      those gaijin type o wimminx

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