crystal's capers

one girl's international adventures

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

An Unexpected House Party

A couple weeks ago Riccardo and I hosted a little dinner party. It started out fairly tame; see right (me with Kam)...

...but then we brought out the Guitar Hero - such a party pleaser!

Then Donna showed us how to rock it big style. Unfortunately not everyone bought in.

Things really got going with Riki & Stephane's metal version of 'Chiquetita'; the members of ABBA must have been rolling over in their graves (um, are they deceased?) Tobe honest, I didn't stop laughing like a maniac the whole song! HILARIOUS!

Honestly though, Donna was a good singer. We weren't laughing AT her, we were laughing WITH her.

Who doesn't love crooning hotties? This is our generations' windowside serenade.

Well, in the end, 'dinner party' didn't really do it justice: there was food, but this was an all-out house party, lasting until the wee hours. Even the neighbours had (friendly) comments about our late-night sing-a-thon the next day!


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