crystal's capers

one girl's international adventures

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Hit The Deck!

So this morning I'm teaching my classes like the Eigo-no-clown (English-Clown) that I am. We're going through Colours, and I'm all like:

"What colour is this? Blue! It's blue! Where's blue? Point to something blue!"

and so on. Then the sliding doors start shaking a little. I'm like:

"Meh, whateva,"

and carry on

"What colour is this? Green..."

Well, Nihonjin Sensei (Japanese teacher) comes running in from the adjacent room and she's all yelling in Japanese.

"Um, sumimasen, wakata-nai,"

I don't know what she's friggin talking about, but the kids sure do. All of a sudden I've got a baker's dozen of 2-year-olds scrambling under their desks and covering their heads for the EARTHQUAKE. Okay, it was a tremor, but talk about cute to see the kids peering out at their Eigo-no-clown and wondering why I too haven't hit the deck.


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