Life Without Riccardo
It's been about 35 days since Riccardo, my boyfriend, left Japan and left me here. That's just over one-third of the time we'll be apart (this time; since he's coming back for a visit at the end of October). Some of you may be wondering how I'm doing...I'm fine.
I miss Riccardo like crazy. Having someone you love in your life every day and then suddenly not having him is hard - some days it's harder than I expected. Then again, some days it's easier. Riccardo is fantastic about communicating with me every day. We talk on the phone several times a week and email constantly (as my mother will verify - she got the brunt of that while she was visiting - SORRY MOM!). We also do this cute little "squillo" thing where we evade long-distance charges by phoning but hanging up after one ring; that way we know the other person is thinking of us.
I have found myself being something of a recluse, however. Perhaps this is because I excluded myself from social plans while Riccardo was here to the extent that no one thinks to invite me places, or perhaps it's because I'm enjoying being alone for a change. I have a lot on my plate right now anyway: back to full-time work, learning German (ich komme aus Kanada!), and a couple other projects...
Though I am well, phone calls and emails are appreciated. Love you all.
I know how it feels girl. Now that I am living with your family, I am away from my own. It's great being an adopted Hambrook right now. But I miss my man and animals. Phoenix and Al keep me company though.