Welcome to my blog (repost)

REPOST (from old blogsite)
Ok, so I'm a little pissed that I am only allowed to upload 3 pics; also, I don't frigging know how to use this site. In any case, I have spent the last 3 hours getting it all started, so I'm not switching now. Welcome to my blog. Advice, comments, complaints encouraged.
If you can find the pictures I've included, they are indicative of the past week or so of my life. One of my beloved sisters, Rebecca, flew all the way to Japan to visit me for just over two weeks. She left last Sunday, but not before we traversed a-far for a night of hoopla and ass-shaking at Mo-town in Roppongi (Tokyo). Rebecca and I, appalled that the little pub was serving little drinks at 1000 yen (just over $10 CN) each, decided that we would not be purchasing our own drinks. So we didn't. See, it's not hard to get Japanese guys to buy drinks when you are a flirty gaijin - and we didn't even have to be that flirty! Just dance (if you could call it that), which we were doing anyhow. Unfortunately I am finding it difficult to meet any guys who aren't psychos or losers here... but that is a world-wide issue, so I shouldn't be surprised.
Despite our inability to recover from Tokyo in time, the next evening Rebecca and I hosted a rather large dinner party (14 people?) in my tiny apartment - it was CRAMMED. The dinner party was a modge-podge of Japanese/gaijin guests, food from various ends of the globe, unsurmountable quantities of liquor, and the usual good times. Most guests left in the wee hours, but some even stayed over. Slumber Party!!
The next day I drove Rebecca to Narita and we parted ways. I am suffering my first bout of homesickness, since arriving in Japan, in the wake of her departure. Not crying all the time, but glum. Trying to keep busy... threw a small party on Friday. Interestingly, six boys and I comprised the guest-list. My goal of de-stressing via alcohol consumption was fruitful, but also led to some chucking of cookies. Good times! Whether a product of the extreme hangover I suffered on Saturday, or just a mystery bug, I am now battling a flu-like illness. I will be sure to kill it with my trusty echinacea forthwith (thanks Mom!).
After a fairly lax summer, it's back to full working schedule this week. I am looking forward to work in hopes that it will keep my nose out of trouble and my money in my wallet.
Sounds like your having fun still!! Enjoyed ur stories! Miss u lots!